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Fill The Bus

Fill The Bus is a program under the YMCA of Oakville, which helps send kids in need to summer camp.  Last year, more than 1,800 people in Oakville turned to them for help. They were single parent families, families with low incomes or families that had fallen on hard times and needed transitional support due to illness, crisis or loss of employment. These families, and many others, can’t afford to give their children opportunities that other kids have; experiences that can help them grow up to be happy, healthy and confident. Camp remains one of the few place where kids can just be kids.  Where they learn valuable life and leadership skills, get the chance to explore, meet new friends and build confidence and make memories that last a lifetime. It’s not just about a week at summer camp. It’s about opening up a whole new world of opportunity for kids, giving them the confidence to believe in themselves and their future — regardless of what they have today.

Nominated by Sean Buckley

Our $18,000 donation was presented to them on April 7, 2017.

“Wow! Our YMCA was touched by the incredible generosity of 100 Guys who Care, who surprised us with a donation of $18,000 to our Fill the Bus campaign on April 7 . Their kindness will ensure that 90 kids in need in Oakville will get the chance to experience summer camp, regardless of their ability to pay. I had only “heard” of the extraordinary work done by this group, who are often described as a “bunch of guys who have a beer, raise money and donate to charity”. But now I’ve seen that their work is much more than that…together, they are making a real difference for so many people in our community!"


Kyle Barber

CEO & President, YMCA of Oakville         

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